Tuesday 30 April 2013

Question Seven

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Preliminary Task:

Full Product:

I think that my production work has improved since the preliminary task in the terms of Camera work, Mise en Scene, Editing, Organisation and Planning.
I think that the mise en scene is particularly better in the full product in comparison to the preliminary task. This is because the mise en scene matches the conventions better- being set in a bedroom. This is a similar case with the costume, as I feel that it is more relevant and appropriate to the genre.
Also, I think that more movement angles have been used in the full product in contrast to the Preliminary, because in the full product there is a rolling shot used to show how the character is feeling at that time in the morning.
In terms of organisation, I feel that it has been more challenging in the full product. I think that this is because there has been so more more to do including: filming in different locations, finding actors and making sure they can all be punctual, finding the correct mise en scene- costume, set, lighting and props, talking through with the actors what they need to do and arranging transport to the locations. However, I feel as though this has all been done to satisfaction.

Throughout this whole process I feel as though I have taken on the role to 'getting the rest of the group into gear' and I almost feel as though I have been nagging and taking control of the organisation as well as most of the filming. I think this has helped due to the fact everything is now complete and ready.

I have also take the sound into consideration by using a cover version of 'She will be Loved' as the incidental music and score. Although I didn't necessarily agree with this music choice, it is parallel to the action rather than contrapuntal. This took a lot of thought and time in order to make the action match specific phrases in the audio whereas in the preliminary task, if was just the matter of adding it because 'it was funny and appropriate' rather than having an actual purpose.

Similarly, I had to take into consideration the composition of the frames. This included composing the frame so that the main protagonist is in centre shot therefore symbolising that the character is the most important and will be significant throughout the film. This was contrast with the Preliminary Task as we didn't really take anything like that into consideration, it was more like just filming it basically and simply.

Furthermore, I think that the continuity of editing has improved and is more sucessful in comparison to the first task. I feel that this is because it flows better and isnt so sharp and cut. This shows that blending has improved since the first time and more time has been put into the editing. Also, it shows a wider variation of camera angles which means that there is more angles to chose from to make it different and not just same old all of time.

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